Jaswinder on weekends
Weekends are very important. Either we can take a rest or find energetic ways to do something you want to do. Saturdays and Sundays are the second chapters of Jaswinder’s life where the pursuit of hobbies begins.
Weekends are very important. Either we can take a rest or find energetic ways to do something you want to do. Saturdays and Sundays are the second chapters of Jaswinder’s life where the pursuit of hobbies begins.
There’s always a next time, but there is no second body. Taking care of our physical health is the first step towards overall well being. This is the reason why you can spot Jaswinder participating in Volleyball and Cricket.
These two sports are not only for fitness,for they also instill values such as:
Not just a fitness enthusiast, Jaswinder also explores the world of creativity through poetry, cinema and travelling.
Two short films by Jaswinder are a mirror of his ideologies: